Monday, August 24, 2009

‘Venus transit to arouse dangerous passions’

The alignment of Earth with the planetary god of love and beauty Venus will lead to a surge in sexual crimes and melt away moral norms governing society, astrologers predict.

Faced with the astronomical feat last seen in 1882, brides may no longer prize virginity and Hindu ascetics may soon discard the time-old practice of celibacy as nonsense, astrologers said.

The emotional cataclysm which will follow could sink stock markets, topple governments - or at least mar relations between spouses.

"The transit in itself can create major upheavals on our planet and people's lives," forecast the astrological website of Pandit Prabhat Kapil.

Astrologers advised clients to wear specially-designed silver pendants and white gemstones and to feed sacred cows to keep the flow of energy in their favour.

For some people born at the right time, Venus' crossing the face of the Sun could prove beneficial.

"From stock market collapse, divorces and bankruptcies, to stellar success, promotions and monetary enrichment, anything can happen," Kapil said.

Billions around the world were able to witness the celestial alignment Tuesday which has only been recorded six times before: in 1631, 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874 and 1882.

In India, some television networks offered live pictures of the planet's passage in screen corners for viewers who do not want to wait for the next Venus transits in 2012 or 2117.

Many Hindus put great faith in astrology, with leading politicians known to choose the timing of major decisions and even change their names on the advice of the stars.

Astrologist Prem Kumar Sharma issued a call for women to take special care during the transit of Venus.

"Venus rules beauty and romantic affairs. Incidents of rape and sexual abuses will increase. So women will need to guard their lives because of these tensions," Sharma said.

But Bejan Daruwalla, writer of the popular astrology column "Ganesha Says", disagreed, saying the alignment of Venus meant a rise in the fortunes of women.

"Venus means women - women will be on top this year," he said.

Astrologers were in unison that Venus meant a rise in materialism, with society set to lose its spiritual moorings as Indians seek out clothes, cars and household gadgets with ever more eagerness.

"The whole moral pattern of society will change. Just as satellite television has transformed mores in Indian society, the phenomenon will open a new dimension in their thinking," said astrologer Jitender Nath Marwha.

"People's thinking on moral issues will become broader and broader. AIDS and sexually-transmitted diseases will spread more and more," he added.

However, astrologer Ashok Kumar Joshi thought the celestial phenomenon will be temporary and trigger nothing more than a flutter of romantic passions.

"It will have a little bit of impact on climatic change and people will feel a bit more romantic," he said.


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